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UN GSR (2024)
We are currently working on 'AI' systems to meet GSR Regs that are set to be introduced in 2024, including MOIS (Moving Off Information System), BSIS (Blind Spot Information System) and REIS (Reversing Information System); we can provide specific solutions for OEMs/bodybuilders etc, please ‘Contact Us’ for further information and to discuss your particular requirements.

Why AI Detection?
Combined camera and detector
Only detects moving objects/VRUs*
Ultra-wide angle (1.3MP) lens
No requirement for additional/multiple detectors
Can be integrated
UN GSR Compliant
Reduced driver workload (false alarms)
No blind spot
Quick, simple and neat installation
Utilise with other cameras, alarms and a DVR
Suitable for all applications
Example systems video (speeded up):
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